This page lists all actions on the pol.fusion contract, including their descriptions and a list of the parameters for each action.
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If this contract has any voting rewards to claim from the eosio system contract, this action can be called by anyone to claim those rewards. Claiming will automatically send the rewards to the main dapp contract where they will be moved into the revenue_awaiting_distribution bucket.
If this contract has any refunds to claim from the eosio system contract, this action can be called by anyone to claim the refund. Claiming will automatically move the claimed WAX back into the wax_available_for_rentals pool on this contract.
Unstakes WAX from any expired orders in the renters table, and removes the rows of the expired rentals.
If a user calls the rentcpu action on this contract, but never pays for their rental, this action will allow them to delete the unpaid rental from our contract. Requires auth of the renter.
Initializes the config singleton, if it doesn't exist yet. Requires auth of this contract.
Initializes the state3 singleton. Requires auth of this contract.
If the lswax_bucket in the state singleton is empty, and the wax_bucket has > 100 wax in it, this action will convert half of the wax into lsWAX, so that the next liquidity addition will allocate close to all of the protocol's funds. Can be called by anyone.
Opens a new row for a renter, which is required before the contract can accept a rental payment. If the row already exists, the action will do nothing besides sync the current contract state. Requires auth of the renter. Renter pays RAM on their row.
Updates the portion of protocol revenue that goes to liquidity on Alcor. Requires auth of this contract.
Updates the cost_to_rent_1_wax in the state singleton. Requires auth of the dapp.fusion smart contract, which calls this action inline when an admin_wallet sets the rent price on that contract.
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